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Participants arrived in Napoli the 23rd of november, for dinner time

The 24th

Getting to know each other activities

Participants discover where they come from

Fint the Word… hashtag for a project!

Choosing the hashtag of the project

Day 2 – Storytelling and migration board game!

Participants shared their stories of migration from their community, some deep storytelling, videopresentation, drama and much more with a lot of creativity!

A card game to live a migration experience

Day 3 – Migration in tour

We lived half day in a migration center (CAS – Il Castagno, managed by Associaizone PAN)
In small groups the participants shared their time with some asylum seekers in Napoli. They shared their stories, way of life, dreams and desires.
One experience that no one will forget… big change can borns from small experience!
The afternoon was dedicated to debate and debrief from this strong experience!
Participants shared their stories and reflected about experiences and life changing moment!

“Words to Change the World” meets the Asylum seeker of CAS Il Castagno in Napoli

Day 4 – Word as sword

Participants explored the power of words and how it works on media and in the society
They different workshop on critical analysis, public speakings and presentations.
In the afternoon they had activities of team building in the city park “Il Virgiliano” and then a mid-term evaluation session focused on the learning process.


Day 5 – Napoli a multicultural city

The participants had the chance to visit Napoli and explore its multicultural way of life. A great day to built a stronger group and have very nice and cool moments to remember for ever.


Day 6 – A step ahed to Change the World

Participants started to think how they can change the world, they project activities and idea in small groups and shared it with the others.
They choosed together wich role to have in this part of the project.
The final result of the activity was to design a Flashmob about the hashtag choosen for the project “#bethechange”

Day 7 – Be The Change – Flashmob campaign!

The morning was spent on web tools and social network communication in order to prepare at the best the flashmob as main result of the project and its usability to design the campaign of the project. Participants decided to use the flashmob as the main tool to spread their campaign about “words to change the world”
It was a very powerful moment for each participants, everybody gave their best to participate and get involved in their own way

They went in the city center to spread hundreds of hand-written messages, free hugs, smilies, and they made a little dance show in front of the famous Castel dell’Ovo.


Day 8 – it’s time to evaluate and say goodbye!

The morning of the last day was useful to share the last impression about the project, to reflect and debrief from all the emotions of the previous day.
The participants reflected on their learning experienced and learnt how to link it to the youthpass certificate. They imagined further project and next steps.
The afternoon they shared the last activities together, they evaluated the project with last reflection and sharing moments…

Learning evaluation and the “8 Key Competencies”