Call for cultural exchange in Beograd / December 2010

Componibile62 Call: residency for young people (aged 18 to 30 years) in Belgrade for 10 days of meetings, activities and cultural insights. (download english PDF version)


Componibile62, non-profit cultural association founded in 2008 in Naples, Campania select young people (aged between 18 and 30 years, resident in one of the towns of the Campania region) to participate in a cultural exchange in Belgrade.

The objective of the residency is to promote an exchange between young artists and not from Campania to explore and learn about the Serbian culture and create output (works, text, photos, videos, etc.) during the residency to be exhibited and / or present on site. In particular, the residency will focus on deepening the transformations of the urban areas (architectural, social, cultural, ethnic, etc.) have occurred in recent years in the city of Belgrade.

Applications from artists with art portfolio will be preferred.

The residency will take place in Belgrade (Serbia) from 20th to 29th December 2010 and will last for 10 days. During the residency guided tours, meetings and workshops will be organised, and a final show on the issues of residence will be produced.




During the artist residency participants will be accompanied by tutors around the city of Belgrade in order to know the recent history and culture, exploring the themes of urban, architectural and social transformations.
Considering these focused topics, Componibile62 has organised a series of workshops and a calendar of events and tours  (the program is being developed, therefore it might besubject to change) dividing them into four categories:


– Group visit ‘Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade


– Group visit to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade



– Cultural center GRAD (

– Cultural Centre REX and radio B92 (

– SKC student center (

– Study visit at the gallery Magacine


– Kneza Milos, the “road of power.” The palaces of Kneza Milos, buildings destroyed by the allied forces, and remained in a state of neglect.

– Visit the Zemun district and Bigz

– Visit to ‘RTS a five-story building that houses the state television, bombed during the NATO attacks.

– The San Saba Temple and the Ušće Palace in (Novi Grad)


– Studio visits at Serbian artists’ atelier and informal meetings with Serbian artists Componibile 62 will search an appropriate spaces to exhibit the outputs produced by the end of the residency

During the residence of the young artists and participants will be invited to:

– Produce output (works, text, video, photos, installations, etc.)

– Actively participate in all meetings and workshops

– Document through photos, videos, reports, and any other means available to the experience

Visit the dedicated website to know more about the recidency project

Here a little gallery about the activities of the project in Belgrade

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