Selezione urgente di partecipanti per scambio culturale in Ungheria: “Labels Down”, 30 giovani europei insieme contro gli stereotipi

Progetto di scambio culturale giovanile “Labels Down” in Ungheria a Csákberény vicino Budapest.

Il progetto sviluppa un programma di educazione non-formale, volto a riflettere ed abbattere stereotipi e pregiudizi, su minoranze sociali, educazione sessuale, ruoli di genere e LGBT.

Partecipano al progetto 30 giovani provenienti da Portogallo, Italia, Romania, Inghilterra e Ungheria.

Componibile62 cerca 6 partecipanti maggiorenni, disponibili a prendere parte al progetto per tutta la sua durata, dal 23 al 31 maggio 2017.

L’organizzazione ungherese si occuperà delle attività del progetto, e anche di fornire grautitamente ai partecipanti vitto e alloggio per l’intera durata del progetto.

I partecipanti anticiperanno i costi di viaggio dalla loro città alla città del progetto, che verranno poi interamente rimborsati dall’organizzazione ungherese fino ad un massimo di 275 euro.


Se vuoi candidarti per partecipare alla selezione compila il form on-line disponibile su questo link:



Descrizione del progetto:


Labels are for cans, not people.” – Anthony Rapp

One of our biggest challenges in the 21st century is to learn how to deal with our differences and to live together as a society. That is the reason we had the idea of this international youth project, which could help us move forward towards this goal. With our youth exchange called “Labels Down”, we would like to help to achieve a common goal with those youngsters who are willing to examine their attitudes and learn how society works in our everyday life. Our goal is to encourage these young people to learn to realize and respect differences because that is a more efficient way of learning from each other.

We will discuss how stereotypes can influence our social relationships. Our aim is to expand their knowledge in the area of social minorities, gender roles and LGBT topics, as well. Through this project, our participants will get a chance to increase their entrepreneurship and sense of initiative in these fields and in human rights. Furthermore, some activities will work with the topic of sexual education and mental health.

During the week, our participants will be responsible for creating interactive school workshops and raise awareness to topics such as responsibilities and opportunities in the EU, gender equality, multiculturalism and healthy and conscious sex life, prevention, LGBT+ people, etc. This way, the local youngsters can get a lot of information, new views and new perspectives about these issues. We believe that the youth is the key to making difference, so thanks to these school projects also the local youth can get a hint of a tolerant, accepting and open-minded life-style and way of thinking.

Labels Down is an exchange with what we would like to influence our participants and other people around us to open up and realize how much depends on them. We would like to make sure that everyone knows about their possibilities and that they will try to take advantage of them. We would also like to emphasize that judging people on their skills and values is the right way. This is the only way of working together on a successful future and preventing violent radicalisation of young people as well.

Our project will take place in Hungary at the end of May 2017. Our target group is European youngsters between the age of 18-25. We would like to provide a chance for them to widen their horizons and to think about their role in the society. Through their own and each other’s experiences, they will be able to feel more responsible, be an active, tolerant citizen of Europe and join together to promote diversity.

Szabad Tér Egyesület / Open Space Association

Székhely / Seat of association

Álmos vezér u. 7.

H-8000, Székesfehérvár



Timetable delle attività



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